MichMinnie's Cooperative Community Constitution
Updated March 22nd, 2016
A brief history: In 1932, the Michigan Socialist House was founded by the University of Michigan Socialist Club (aka the Round Table club). This first house, a rental at 335 E. Ann St., was the first student housing cooperative in North America. 26 members lived in the home now zoned for six people. In 1939, the Michigan Socialist House was renamed the Michigan Cooperative House. In February 1947, the landlord posted an eviction notice, and the ICC purchased the current Michigan Cooperative House at 315 N. State St.
Next door to Michigan was a boarding house ran by a woman named Minnie Wallace. She and her son, Henry, lived in the basement. The history of what happened to Minnie and Henry is folklore. (They say she ran away with a nudist taxi driver). In 1970, the ICC purchased 307 N. State St., named it Minnie’s Cooperative House, and painted it Dauphine Purple in honor of Minnie Wallace’s favorite color (unconfirmed). In 2006, when Minnie’s members repainted the outside, Dauphine Purple is no longer produced, so co-op was painted Super Violet with Purple Rain trim.
In April 2016, members of Michigan Cooperative House and Minnie’s Cooperative House voted to rewrite a joint constitution and merge into a joint operating co-op.
We, the members of MichMinnie’s cooperative community, at 307 and 315 N. State Street, associate ourselves for the purpose of providing low-cost room and board cooperatively for students in the Ann Arbor area. As members of the Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC), a mutual housing association, we subscribe to the following cooperative principles and values:
1. Open Membership: Membership in this co-op shall be voluntary and non-discriminatory. Members who agree to share in the responsibilities required to run the co-op shall be eligible to join. Specifically, but not exclusively, the Community will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, national origin, age, or being differently abled.
2. Democracy: Each member has exactly one vote. All members together control the house, and each member shares equally in Community duties and benefits derived through Community operation.
3. Education: The Community will be a working example of cooperative living and will educate its members and the public in the principles and practices of all forms of cooperation.
4. Neutrality: The Community itself shall remain neutral in all religious and nonpartisan in all political affairs.
5. Mutual Cooperation: The Community shall actively cooperate on practical matters with other cooperates at local, national, and international levels to further serve their members and their communities.
6. Distribution of Economic Result: The year-end savings of the Community may be distributed as a patronage refund to the members.
7. Continuous Expansion: Through support of the Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC), the Community will further the cooperative movement in general, in order to best serve the community.
ARTICLE I: General
1. The name of the houses which operates under this Constitution shall be called MichMinnie’s Cooperative Community, hereinafter and hereinbefore referred to as “the Community”
2. The Community is a member of and abides by the rules of the ICC.
3. Standing Community Rules are the current operating procedure of MichMinnie’s. They should not be considered part of the constitution. Standing Community Rules shall be passed or deleted by a majority vote of the members. No rule shall be made which is contrary to any part of the MichMinnie’s principles enumerated in the preamble above or which would abridge the rights of any individual members as long as the exercise of such rights does not seriously interfere with the privacy, quiet, or well-being of MichMinnie’s members.
ARTICLE II: Membership
1. Membership in the Community requires
1.1. Acceptance by the ICC according to the rules and procedure set up by the Board of Directors;
1.2. Signing of an ICC contract and payment of a membership fee and purchase of required shares;
1.3. Assignment by the ICC
1.4. Non-Student Approval
2. Duties of Community members
2.1. Each member is personally responsible for work assigned to him/her/them by the work manager and/or by general agreement of the house. If a member is disabled or physically handicapped they may hire someone to do their work if accepted by a majority at a MichMinnie’s meeting. Under no other circumstances may a member hire someone to do assigned work.
2.2. MichMinnie’s members are responsible for payment of their charges as determined by the Community and the ICC.
2.3. MichMinnie’s members must abide by this Constitution, Standing House Rules, ICC Bylaws, ICC Standing Rules, and any temporary rules passes at Community meetings.
3. Current Member Referral
3.1. A member may be put on referral:
3.1.1. By the House Treasurer, House President and one other member, for non-payment.
3.1.2. By the Work Manager, House President and one other member for non-work.
3.1.3. For any reasons listed as grounds for expulsion defined in this constitution or grounds for current member referral as defined in the ICC Standing Rules, a 50% majority of the House must vote in favor at a House meeting or through a petition.
3.2. Any decision to put a member on referral may be appealed to a House meeting.
3.3. Any member put on referral will have his/her future contract automatically held for two weeks.
4. Expulsion
4.1. The grounds for expulsion shall include
4.1.1. Failure to pay debts
4.1.2. Non work
4.1.3. Uncooperative behavior, including any actions endangering the health and safety of other members or infringing of their rights in addition to those grounds established in the ICC By-laws and Standing Rules.
4.1.4. Failure to abide by Permanent House Rules, ICC Bylaws, ICC Standing Rules, and any temporary rules passed at a Community meeting.
4.2. Quorum for an expulsion hearing shall consist of two-thirds of all MichMinnie’s member
4.2.1. In case of a motion for expulsion, the House shall hear the evidence from interested parties, and a defense by the accused. Afterwards the accused shall leave the room. This will be followed by an open discussion, and then voting by secret ballot will occur.
4.2.2. Expulsion of a member requires two-thirds majority of all MichMinnie’s members
4.2.3. Standard Community meeting procedure shall be followed, as stated in Section II Article III.
5. Release from House Charges
5.1. Please Refer to ICC Standing Rule 5.1.7 BOARDER RELEASES: “Boarders not residing in ICC houses are automatically released of responsibility for ICC charges if they are completely released from house charges. Under special circumstances, members who room and board within the ICC may be released from the boarding portion of their contract with approval from the boarding house.” (21/05)
5.2. Under special circumstances
5.2.1. All MichMinnie’s members seeking release from house charges or to buy out of their contracts must fulfill the following:
5.2.2. Notify the President prior to a Community meeting of their intention and desire to be released from House charges
5.2.3. Make a good faith effort to find a contract replacement, including (as examples) posting the open spot on social media or classified web sites.
5.2.4. Pay a release fee of $50, intended to treat members to farewell ice cream
5.3. At the next Community meeting, members should vote on releasing the member on the above conditions. The leaving member may choose to offer an explanation for why they believe a release from house charges is justified.
5.4. Any member may call for discussion and a vote on releasing a member of the release fee based on the display of the leaving member’s effort. This is a separate majority vote.
ARTICLE III: Community Meetings
1. General Information
1.1. Members are required to attend all meetings unless they notify one of the Presidents at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, or unless otherwise announced that any particular meeting is non-mandatory.
1.2. Members with an unexcused absence for mandatory meetings will be fined work credit hours equaling the length of the meeting, rounded up to the nearest full hour.
1.3. Members with three or more unexcused absences during one academic term can be considered for referral or expulsion.
1.4. Prior to the first Community meeting of each semester each member shall be given an up-to-date copy of the MichMinnie’s Constitution
1.5. A draft of the agenda should be released conspicuously several days prior to a Community meeting. Any member is allowed to request an agenda item to be discussed up to 24 hours before the meeting. The President should release a final version of the agenda 24 hours before the meeting.
1.6. Quorum for general Fall/Winter Community meetings shall consist of a majority of MichMinnie’s members. (During the Spring/Summer term, quorum shall consist of 40% of members in consideration of vacation time) Decisions of Community meetings shall be binding on all members.
1.7. At the first Community meeting of every term, the following at minimum must be discussed and/or voted upon:
1.7.1. Community Officers
1.7.2. Work holiday date
1.7.3. Open-house Semester Party date
1.7.4. Quiet Hours for each house
1.7.5. Days and times of Community dinners
1.8. The Presidents shall not vote except in the case of a tie, with the person tallying the votes voting last.
1.9. A secret ballot must be carried out at the request of any individual member.
1.10. Any member can request a neutral facilitator. The facilitator must be accepted by all to be considered neutral.
1.11. An absentee ballot may be cast by informing the President of the choice. Absentee ballots must be submitted prior to the meeting. Absentee ballots may be cast for:
1.11.1. Elections
1.11.2. Referral
1.11.3. Room Picks
1.11.4. Constitutional Amendments
2. Special Meetings
2.1. Special Community meetings may be called by the President when necessary (and must be called if a petition is signed by 10% of MichMinnie’s members).
2.2. Only agenda items may be discussed during a special house meeting
2.3 A notice for a special meeting shall be posted no less than one day in advance
2.4. Attendance is mandatory unless otherwise stated by the Presidents
2.5. Quorum rules are the same as regular Community meetings.
ARTICLE IV: Community Officers and Elected Positions
1. Community Officers include
1.1. The officers shall consist of (2) Presidents, (2) Board Representatives, (2) Ministers of Operations, (1) Minister of Finance, (2) Maintenance Managers, (2) Groundskeepers, (1) Kitchen Czar, (1) Ordering Steward, (2) Flight Attendants, (1) Official Scribe, (1) Sin Steward
1.2. Whenever possible for every position where (2) of that position are to be elected, but mandatorily for the positions of President and Minister of Operation, one member must be elected living in each respective house
2. Elections
2.1. Community officers (except the Presidents and Board Representatives) shall be elected at the first Community meeting of a new semester by a simple majority of members voting.
2.2. Any member of the Community shall be qualified to hold an office. Nominations may be made at any time prior to or at the election meeting. Members may nominate themselves. Members may run in absentia. When running in absentia a statement must be submitted to a community President anytime prior to the election.
2.3. The election process for Community officers shall be as follows: 1) Nominations, 2) candidate statements, 3) questions for the candidates, (4) discussion, during which the candidates shall have left the room, (5) voting (a simple majority of votes cast is sufficient to elect Community officers, but if there are three or more candidates and none receives a majority, there shall be a run-off election, dropping the candidate receiving the fewest votes until one candidate receives a majority of the vote.)
2.4. Each elected officer, except the Presidents and the Board Representatives, shall serve until the end of the semester in which they are elected.
2.5. The Presidents and the Board Representatives shall all serve one-year terms (including Spring/Summer when possible) and shall be elected at the new members’ meeting in April. Any attending person with a contract at MichMinnie’s, either current or for the following Fall/Winter terms are eligible for nominations and voting.
3. Duties of the Community Officers
3.1. The Presidents (2) shall:
3.1.1. Receive 4 hours of work credit
3.1.2. Serve as the official representatives of the Community (duties which include but are not limited to coordinating and conducting house tours to prospective members)
3.1.3. Responsible for undertaking several critical ponderences as to whom might have best spirit suited for the continuation of cooperative values
3.1.4. Preside over all Community meetings
3.1.5. Serve as liaison between the ICC and MichMinnie’s members
3.1.6. Be responsible for communicating seniority and handling the room selection process and the parking lot/street parking passes process
3.1.7. Maintain a list of person(s) banned from MichMinnie’s
3.1.8. Hold and distribute all room keys, including their respective house’s master keys
3.1.9. Be in charge of Community communication channels including email & group messaging platforms
3.1.10. Serve as a general example of exemplar cooperativity to Community officers and general members including performing other duties as specified or necessitated by the Community
3.1.11. Act as automatic Interim Manager if s/he has a contract for the subsequent term. If this duty is not possible, the President is responsible for coordinating these responsibilities.
3.2. The Board Representatives (2) shall:
3.2.1. Receive four work credits for his/her service.
3.2.2. Serve on the ICC Board of Directors and an ICC committee, being a representatives of MichMinnie’s interests as part of the interests of the greater co-operative community.
3.2.3. Report back to the Community all actions of the ICC Boards of Directors
3.2.4. Shall also be referred to as ‘Out-of-House President,’ and can be involved also in house affairs.
3.3. The Ministers of Operations shall:
3.3.1. Receive four hours of work credit
3.3.2. Distribute work surveys, create the work schedule, and assign jobs on it as necessary
3.3.3. Organize one mandatory work holiday per semester, with additional to be added upon a majority vote of house members
3.3.4. Be responsible for the work standards of house members
3.3.5. Determine the need for cleaning supplies and inform the Ordering Steward as necessary
3.3.6. Issue fines for non-work, when applicable
3.3.7. Assign members to the Appointed Officer positions listed in Article 4 Section IV
3.3.8. Make and post exam week and holiday work schedules
3.3.9. Be referred to as “Work Manager” in legal matter
3.4. The Minister of Finance shall:
3.4.1. Receive four hours of work credit
3.4.2. Collect receipts for the house and reimburse members.
3.4.3. Prepare a budget, keep an account of house money, and make a monthly report on the financial condition to the house.
3.4.4. Attend all ICC Treasurer Training Meetings.
3.4.5. Notify the house of delinquent bills and bill old members who have unpaid bills.
3.4.6. Maintain a vigilant watch over the house funds and inform the membership if any aspect of the budget gets out of hand
3.4.7. Be responsible for maintaining and distributing Partial Boarding Contracts
3.5. The Ordering Steward shall:
3.5.1. Receive four hours of work credit.
3.5.2. Be in charge of ordering food, kitchen, and house supplies.
3.5.3. Collect balanced menus from the cooks and coordinate with them to prepare a dinner menu calendar.
3.5.4. Report to members regarding the status of food use in relation to the budget appropriation.
3.5.5. Take inventories as needed by the Treasurer with the help of the Kitchen Czar, usually at the start and end of each term.
3.5.6. Order a sufficient supply of guff tampons
3.6. The Maintenance Manager shall: (2?)
3.6.1. Receive four hours of work credit.
3.6.2. Be responsible for repairs on the house and shall work with the ICC Maintenance Committee on major projects.
3.6.3. Help maintain the general condition of the house by keeping posted a list of needed work and advising members on room improvements.
3.6.4. Maintain and be responsible for a house tool room to be open to members at the Maintenance Managers’ discretion.
3.6.5. Attend meetings of the ICC Maintenance Committee.
3.6.6. Receive a copy of the house master key for the purpose of member room maintenance work, entering member rooms only with reasonable advance notice or in case of emergency.
3.7. The Groundskeepers shall:
3.7.1. Receive three hours of work credit
3.7.2. Be responsible for the general care of the grounds and outside appearance of the houses, including the porches and gardens
3.7.3. Remove snow and leaves from around the house
3.7.4. Be responsible for the use of the garbage, recycling, and compost bins and their placement on the curb on the designated day
3.8. The Kitchen Czar (Tsar) shall:
3.8.1. Receive two hours of work credit
3.8.2. Be in charge of kitchen sanitation and organization.
3.8.3. Inspect the kitchen and institute appropriate procedures or policies to keep the kitchen clean, sanitary, and organized.
3.8.4. Work with the Work Manager to ensure that proper kitchen cleans are done.
3.8.5. Be responsible for double checking that the Guff and Non-Guff refrigerator(s) are clean and organized. The Kitchen Czar may organize rotational kitchen cleans.
3.9. The Official Scribe shall:
3.9.1. Receive 2 hours of work credits
3.9.2. Keep minutes a Community Meetings and send a copy to the ICC Office.
3.9.3. A majority vote will determine whether members want printed copies of meeting minutes in bathrooms and on the bulletin board. The Scribe may be reimbursed for printing charges through the Minister of Finance
3.9.4. Create and hang members’ door decks as soon to the start of their term as possible, or (if necessary) coordinate the project to someone with specific interest. That person may receive one hour for helping, per house.
3.9.5. Forward mail to past members and maintain member forwarding addresses.
3.10. The Flight Attendants (2) shall:
3.10.1. Receive one hours of work credits
3.10.2. Arrange suitable social, educational, and experimental functions for the benefit of house members.
3.10.3. Coordinate community relations and promote good relations with our neighbors.
3.10.4. Have the following specific responsibilities with respect to house parties:
3.10.5. Coordinate the design of common room decorations.
3.10.6. In the case of open parties, design the party flier (or coordinate the flier’s creation), disseminate the flier throughout the coop system at least 3 days before the party.
3.10.7. Purchase any non-alcohol party supplies (to be billed to “soc ed”). Work with the Sin
3.10.8. Steward for the purchasing of other beverages.
3.10.9. Padlock the keg and beer tap. Manage the changing of kegs when guff beer runs out.
3.10.10. Be designated sober monitor (or coordinate sober monitoring responsibilities)
3.11. The Sin Steward shall:
3.11.1. Receive two hours of work credit.
3.11.2. Keep the beverage machines full and purchase new supplies as necessary
3.11.3. Manage the sin fund.
3.11.4. Maintain a storage area for full and empty bottles/cans
3.11.5. Supervise the collection and return of empty bottles/cans.
3.11.6. Be responsible for supplying guff condoms, lube, and rolling papers for the house.
3.12. Interim Manager (2 recommended, 1 if necessary) shall:
3.12.1. Be elected during the last meeting of a term when a President has no contract for the subsequent term
3.12.2. Oversee all house operations, until the incoming House President is trained.
3.12.3. Attend Interim Manager raining, which typically occurs two weeks before the last day of the University of Michigan semester.
3.12.4. Communicate to members interim dates, deadlines, policies and procedures related to move-in and move-out.
3.12.5. Distribute and maintain an interim work schedule by allowing members to sign up for chores For example work schedule, refer to Appendix 1.
3.12.6. Maintain responsibility for conducting a house inspection when required by the ICC
3.12.7. Supervise Move-in and Move-out and ensure that rooms-to-be-moved-into are free of dirt, debris and personal possessions.
3.12.8. Coordinate with the [former] Ordering Steward to gauge willingness to help keep staying members’ food supply from running dangerously low.
3.12.9. Maintain responsibility for other House President responsibilities when and if necessary
3.12.10. Be eligible to receive compensation from the ICC (details variable)
4. Spring/Summer term officers’ hours
4.1. Presidents - 4 hours
4.2. Board Representatives - 4 hours
4.3. Ministers of Operations - 4 hours
4.4. Minister of Finance - 4 hours
4.5. Maintenance Managers - 3 hours
4.6. Groundskeepers - 4 hours
4.7. Kitchen Czar - 2 hours
4.8. Flight Attendants - 1 hour
4.9. Official Scribes - 1.5 hours
4.10. Sin Steward - 2 hours
5. Appointed Officers & Appointed Officers’ Duties
5.1. The Nerd Czar shall:
5.1.1. Receive one hour of work credit
5.1.2. Maintain and administer the networks, guff computers, printers, and video game systems and entertainment systems at MichMinnie’s.
5.1.3. Call the telecom provider to straighten out any bullshit they’re trying to serve us
5.1.4. Assist in house members’ personal computing issues.
5.2. The Hunter-Gatherer shall:
5.2.1. Receive two hours of work credits
5.2.2. Get fresh produce for the house at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market.
5.2.3. Assist the Ordering Steward by making trips to the store for other groceries as needed.
5.2.4. Assist the Ordering Steward with food storage and preservation tasks.
5.2.5. Communicate with the Ordering Steward regarding budget and inventory.
5.3. The Guff Lover shall:
5.3.1. Receive the gratitude and admiration of all house members, but no work credit for his/her duties
5.3.2. Be responsible for supporting house morale and high spirits by providing hugs and other forms of affection to the house members and performing random acts of kindness
ARTICLE V: Room Selection
1. General Policy
1.1. The President shall be in charge of assigning rooms, where members requesting particular accommodations for medical or behavioral health issues have highest priority and first room choice, and where members with the highest seniority based on the rules below have the second highest priority and next room choice, going down the seniority list from there.
1.1.1. The president should practice confidentiality regarding information shared about a member’s needs for particular room accommodations.
2. Seniority is determined in the following order
2.1. Current members of Michigan or Minnie’s Houses which shall include ex-members who return after an absence of one year or less. These ex-members may not re-enter directly into a single.
2.1.1. Number of terms in MichMinnie’s. Spring/Summer shall each count as 1/2 of a term.
2.1.2. Number of terms in the ICC co-ops or Boarding semesters at MichMinnie’s, each counting as 1/2 of a term. Spring/Summer shall each count as 1/4 of a term. (Upcoming Spring/Summer term
2.1.3. Number of terms in any other NASCO recognized co-ops, each counting as 1/4 of a term regardless of seasonal term.
2.1.4. Date of contract signing for the semester for which room picks are occurring.
2.1.5. If it is a tie, there shall be a sudden death room possession contest according to the following rules: Starting from a time determined by a President, all qualified members shall enter the room in question and the last one to leave gets the room. The contestants may not touch one another or attempt to force any other contestant from the room. The contestants may not bring any items into the room, including but not limited to: food, laptops, tablets, smart phones, book, cell phones, ect. (Though paper and writing utensils are allowed) There shall be no urinating or defecating anywhere in the room or out the window. If the Sudden Death Room Possession Contest lasts longer than 6 hours, an emergency pistol duel at 20 paces will occur. If no pistols are readily available, a both contestants must write a poem on the subject of the room. The poems will be anonymously judged by an odd number of at least 11 members, and the author of the winning poem receives both the room and a 15+ minute foot & back massage by the Guff Lover within 24 hours. If the Guff Lover does not make good on this stipulation (or if there is no residing Guff Lover), the winning contestant, while entitled to the room, must say the first thing that comes to mind. If nothing comes to mind, the winning contestant is entitled to both the room and one ice cream cone paid for by one of the residing Presidents. Other ex-members i, ii, iii, iv as listed above
2.1.6. Other ICC members and members of other NASCO recognized co-ops i, ii, iii, iv as listed above
2.1.7. New members i, ii, iii, iv as listed above
3. Selection Procedure (April Meeting)
3.1. A list of seniority ranking of all members who have signed contracts for fall semester, maintained by the Presidents, shall be finalized and released before the April meeting.
3.2. Before the selection process begins, the Presidents (or other current member) shows interested members tour of all rooms in MichMinnie’s
3.3. Members according to highest seniority choose preferred room. Absentee ballots for room picks may be used, and if possible, members can submit their an ordered list of preferred choices in advance of the meeting.
3.4. Room selections occur for Fall/Winter before Spring/Summer.
3.5. When selecting a room, a person may select roommate(s). The roommate(s) shall be granted Squatter’s Rights (see above) to the room for future room picks regardless of roommate(s)’ seniority.
3.6. In the case of contact cancellations during Spring/Summer, choice for the vacated space shall be made according to the seniority ranking at the end of the previous Winter semester. (i.e. in accordance with the seniority list produced in April, no Spring/Summer occupant may count their current Spring/Summer term towards their seniority)
3.6.1. No President, Board Rep, or Work Manager shall be allowed to switch rooms in the middle of their elected term.
4. Squatter’s Rights
4.1. No roomer shall be displaced from their room by someone having more seniority during the course of a semester or between Spring and Summer or Fall and Winter terms.
4.2. If a member lives in a room for the complete Winter term, they have the right to stay in that room into the Spring term.
4.3. If a member lives in a room for the complete Winter term, they have the right to choose to also live in that room for the following Fall term even if they do not live in MichMinnie’s over Spring/Summer.
4.4. However, if a member has lived in a single (does not need to be the same single) for four consecutive semesters (excluding Spring/Summer), they may not live in a single for the next two semesters
5. Unintended Vacancies
5.1. In case of room vacancies during a term, or between terms, members may choose to switch to the available space with priority given to members with highest seniority.
1. General
1.1. Interim is the period of time between the University of Michigan semesters. Because the terms of the formally elected Community Officers may be over, oversight over coop operations may be potentially hindered. Interim may last several days.
1.2. An elected Interim Manager will assume duties reported in Article V, Section 3.12.
1.3. A template Interim Work Schedule is provided in Appendix A.
1.4 Food is a gray area. Hopefully the [former] Ordering Steward is willing to help. Otherwise, the Interim Manager is responsible for problem solving.
1.5. An inspection of Michigan and Minnie’s is coordinated by the ICC to ensure over safety and compliance with code. Details will be provided to the Interim Manager during their training.
1.6. Members moving out are must return any stored furniture (desk, desk chair, mattress, dresser, [and box spring].
1.7. Members moving out must clean room, including (but limited to): picking up rubbish, sweeping/vacuuming, removing personal belongings, putting newly guffed items into the designated guff pile(s), and returning their room key to the President or Interim Manager
Article VII: Banning Policy
1. Explanation of Banning
1.1. Grounds for banning include:
1.1.1. Uncooperative behavior, including any actions endangering the health and safety of other members or infringing on their rights in addition to those grounds established in the ICC Bylaws and Standing Rules.
1.1.2. Failure to abide by Permanent House Rules, ICC Bylaws, ICC Standing Rules, and any temporary rules passed at a House meeting.
2. Banning process
2.1 The banning process listed below is specifically for non-members, defined as people who do not currently have a contract at MichMinnie’s (be it for housing or just boarding). All people banned from Michigan house are also banned from Minnie’s and vice versa.
2.2 The types of bans shall be:
2.2.1. Temporary Ban: Description: Under this ban, individuals can be asked to leave if a Community member is uncomfortable with their presence at the house, most likely if they are being inappropriate or belligerent. The ban is effective for 24 hours. Banning procedure: If a Community member is uncomfortable with a guest of MichMinnie’s, the member must simply express their discomfort to another Community member. House members in the area are then responsible for supporting the member and dismissing the offending guest from the house.
2.2.2 Common Area Ban: Description: Under this ban, banned individuals are not allowed in common spaces and are allowed in member rooms only with the approval of all residents of the room. Banning procedure: A member must get the approval of any two Community officers at MichMinnie’s. With that approval, the ban becomes effective immediately, and the member (or someone else) should email the house with this decision. All Community members must stand by this decision. Community members who are friends of the banned individual will be responsible for notifying the person with the change in their status at the house.
2.2.3 Permanent Ban: Description: Under this ban, banned individuals are not allowed on MichMinnie’s property. Banning procedure: A member must get the approval of any two Community officers at either MichMinnie’s. With that approval, the ban becomes effective immediately, and the member (or someone else) should email the Community with this decision. All house members must stand by this decision. The president will notify the banned individual that they are no longer welcome at the house and that the ICC has been notified.
3. Ban Duration
3.1 With the exception of the temporary ban, which lasts for 24 hours, all bans will be reviewed at the first or second Community meeting of the semester. The president will have a list of all banned individuals and will go over the names and general reasons for banning in order to make sure everyone is aware of who is banned.
3.2. To reverse a ban, a member must add this to the agenda of the upcoming meeting and notify members that this will be discussed. If a member would like to speak to this issue but cannot attend, they should write down what they want to say and ask someone else to read it at the meeting. To reverse any ban or to change a permanent ban to a common area ban, 100% of those present must be in agreement.
4. Record Keeping
4.1. For Common Area Bans and Permanent Bans, the house president shall keep a record of:
4.1.1. The type of ban
4.1.2. The individuals banned
4.1.3. The grounds for banning
4.1.4. The member(s) who wanted the ban (provided these members consent to their names being recorded)
4.2. For all Common Area Bans and Permanent Bans, the ICC General Manager, the ICC President, the Director of Member Services, and all ICC In-House Presidents must be notified of the above record every time a change is made.
Article VIII: Artwork Preservation
1. Matt Wimsatt’s Work/Play Mural
1.1. Any decision made to modify in any way shape or form the mural painted by Matt Wimsatt in the Mich dining room must follow this procedure:
1.1.1. a proposal must be passed at a Community meeting to modify it
1.1.2. the same proposal must be passed with a 2/3 majority at a Community meeting during a different academic semester.
1.2. At least one of the these voting meetings should be either Fall or Winter semester.
2. Restoration
2.1. Steps to restore or preserve all MichMinnie’s murals are encouraged and do not require house approval. Restoration should not modify the original design of the artist.
3. Artistic Oversight
3.1. Work done on murals should have at least conceptual oversight by those artistically inclined members, and any issues or complications should be brought to the attention of the entire Community.
ARTICLE IX: Amendment
1. General Policy
1.1 An amendment proposal (or any change to this constitution) may be discussed and voted on at a Community meeting, if proposing member(s) ask a president to create an agenda item for this discussion item at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time.
1.2. Proposing member should prepare specific language to be voted on.
1.3. The proposal and its wording is be subject to change by a simple majority of members present at the Community meeting at which it is proposed.
1.4. Amendments and constitutional changes shall be considered passed with 2/3 majority approval.
1.5. Presidents should post changes in a physical and appropriately trafficked area of MichMinnie’s.
Article X: Commitment to Native Plant Life
1. General Policy
1.1 The Community should do its best to maintain native (when possible) and non-invasive (at minimum) plant life in gardens and in plantable soil surrounding the house.
1.2. The garden shall represent the Community’s commitment to sustainability and its respect for environmental education and awareness.
ARTICLE XI: House Trivia
1. MichMinnie’s colors
1.1. Michigan House: Blue
1.2. Minnie’s: Dauphine Purple
2. House Bird
2.1. Michigan House: Turkey Vulture
2.2. Minnie’s: Cold duck
3. House Mascot
3.1. Michigan House: Dionysus
3.2. Minnie’s: North Campus Turkey
4. House Motto:
4.1. Michigan House: Clean hands = Better sex.
4.2. Minnie’s: Pine trees are tall but they do not reach the sky.