




Coop Living

Short Stories



Coordinating project timelines and milestones

Timelines span 12 to 18 months and involved the integration of different application teams

Managing teams of analysts to ensure deadlines are met

Team sizes ranged from five to 15 analysts. Because areas of analysts' expertise varied, I needed to leverage a high knowledge level of a broad range of topics.

Facilitating meetings with subject matter experts and executives

Healthcare professionals are obviously busy providing care to their patients, so I needed to be communicate on their terms with their language. That's why I made the effort to familziar myself with specialty knowledge and industry jargon.

Designing custom behavioral health configuration

BH requires novel ambulatory configuration included client programs and patient confidentiality reporting needs

Communicating to dev team about workflows and system build.

Internal documentation is vital, but the reality remains that in-person communication with area experts is the fastest way to find answers about how the pieces of Epic work together

Delivering workflow presentations for discovery and adoption

The work I do makes health care organizations successful. Operatational owners and stakeholders need to be made aware of a decision space, and the analyst team needs to be preparesd for post-live success.

Ask me about my projects

Behavioral Health Add-On

Largest Epic BH implementation to date

Precursor to full-fledged BH module

70 BH clinical programs

Project cost: $816,917

Ambulatory Add-On

1.6 Million Outpatient visits/year

45 specialties

Team size: 15 analysts

Project cost: $5,100,402

Ten lessons I've learned from working at Epic:

  • Communication should be direct but empathetic
  • Teamwork starts with caring about your teammates
  • Dedicated time for day and week planning guides productive habits
  • Structures are made to be challenged
  • Outline your knowledge in a format others can consume
  • A cheerful mindset can help in overcoming personal adversity
  • Good execution begins with visioning your desired outcome
  • Consider obvious practicalities when deligating a task.
  • Focus on not stretching your team members focus too far in opposite directions
  • Empower your team members to own what they're curious about
  • Airplanes are fantastic for reading and napping